Archaeology: General
ABZU/ETANA: Abzu is a guide to networked open access data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world.
The Megalithic Portal: The top destination for Megaliths and Prehistory worldwide. World-wide Ancient Site Database, Photos and Prehistoric Archaeology News with geolocation.
Human Evolution. The Australian Museum: Fossils and other evidence of human habitation provide the data from which the human story is unfolding. Discover our family tree from our evolutionary past.
CODI: The Comprehensive Olduvai Database Initiative, or CODI, is a free online inventory of all paleontological specimens collected from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. This database provides a research tool for scientists interested in studying this assemblage as well as a curatorial aid for the Tanzanian government.
eFossils: is constructed for the collaborative participation of subject-matter experts. We provide a simple platform for publishing data about fossil and archaeological sites. Registered users can contribute and edit site reports, add or respond to forum topics, and publish images.
Egypt: Archaeology
Digital Karnak: A detailed photo record of this important Egyptian Temple from UCLA
Egyptology.com: This page is dedicated to examining the art, archaeology, religion and history of Egypt.
Hierakonpolis Online: Hierakonpolis is one of the most important archaeological sites for understanding the foundations of ancient Egyptian society.
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project: The Giza Plateau Mapping Project, under the direction of Mark Lehner, Visiting Assistant Professor of Egyptian archaeology at the Oriental Institute, is dedicated to research on the geology and topography of the Giza plateau, the construction and function of the Sphinx, the Great Pyrimids, the associated tombs and temples, and the Old Kingdom town in the vicinity.
Tutankhamun, Anatomy of an Excavation: Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation is ambitious in its scope but simple in its aims: to make the complete records of Howard Carter's excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun available on these web pages.
Ur Online: offers an insight into the unique site of Ur, near Nasiriyah in southern Iraq, and one of the largest and most important cities of ancient Mesopotamia. Excavations at Ur between 1922 and 1934 by Sir Leonard Woolley, jointly sponsored by the British Museum and the Penn Museum, uncovered Ur’s famous ziggurat complex, densely packed private houses, and the spectacular Royal Graves. Ur Online preserves digitally and invites in-depth exploration of the finds and records from this remarkable site.
Mesopotamia. Civilization Begins: Exhibition organized by the Musée du Louvre, Paris, and the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
Greece: Archaeology
Corinth Computer Project: A computerized architectural and topographical survey of the Roman colony of Corinth.
Minoan Crete: The aim of this web site is to provide very basic information about all the major and some of the minor archaeological sites of the Bronze Age civilisation in Crete.
Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: is a multi-disciplinary, diachronic archaeological expedition formally organized in 1990 to investigate the history of prehistoric and historic settlement and land use in western Messenia in Greece, in an area centered on the Bronze Age administrative center known as Palace of Nestor. The project has employed the techniques of archaeological surface survey, along with natural environmental investigations (geological, geomorphological, geophysical, and paleobotanical).
Scotland: Archaeology
Canmore: The online catalogue to Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, industrial and maritime heritage. Details of over 340,000 buildings, archaeological, industrial and maritime sites across Scotland and beyond.
Historic Environment Scotland: In our web site you will find information on more than 300 properties in our care. You will also find details of Scotland's listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments. Our education pages provide a resource for schools and information on conservation research.
Orkneyjar:. A site devoted to the heritage of the Orkney Islands with excellent descriptions of the various prehistoric and historic monuments. By Sigurd Towrie
Orkney Archaeological Trust: Dedicated to the protection of Orkney's archaeological heritage. Includes on-line journals of the recent excavations of the Neolithic tomb at Crantit and a curious underground structure at Minehowe.
Stone Pages: A photorecord of hundreds of megalithic sites in the British Isles, France and Italy compiled by Paola Arosio and Diego Meozzi.
Turkey: Archaeology
Topkapi: A guide to the palace and museum
Çatal Höyük: Information about the on-going excavations of this important prehistoric site.
Tepe Telegrams: Over 25 years of research at the prehistoric ceremonial site of Göbeckli Tepe in southeastern Anatolia.